A New Year, A New Start

Well, it's almost the end of the year.  Christmas Day.  Only a week left in the year.  I haven't posted here in over 9 months.

During this past year, many challenges have presented themselves.  I've lost two jobs, gained four, and then quit three out of those four jobs.  I'm still in all kinds of financial distress, but my mental stress and my lack of ability to manage that stress has begotten even MORE challenges.  I'm now faced with the possibility of stomach cancer if I don't take care of myself.  Recently I was told that I have three ulcers in my stomach.  So now I need to take care of those ulcers before they make more problems for me.

I've also had to deal with a bilateral calf injury this year, which set my running back a few weeks.  Overall it didn't affect my abilities too much but it was quite a challenge coming back from that injury...it definitely added to my stress levels.

Now that things seem to be on the upswing, I think it's time for me to get back in shape.  Right now I'm at a bodyfat level that I don't enjoy and I need to change that.  My antidepressants have finally kicked in and I finally feel like getting better.  For weeks I didn't care what I looked like, what I ate, what I did with my exercise program, nothing.  I just wanted to lay around and be miserable.  Depression sucks.  But now I am actually waking up in the mornings feeling like I want to get "ready" for work...not just get dressed.  I feel like I want to get better.  I joined a new gym, and I think being in a new atmosphere will help me get motivated again.

Starting January 1, 2011, I'm gonna start following the CrossFit WOD's again and REALLY start training for Boston.  I have a pretty hefty goal for that race this year.  I want to run UNDER 3:05 this year...my 3:11 last year, 3 weeks after a 100-miler, let me know that I can do it if I really get the training right.  I have to be motivated and most importantly, I have to eat correctly and cleanly.  I have been neglecting my eating habits since the depression worsened.  But now I feel like I want to get back at it.

This is not the usual cliched "new year's resolution to get fit"...this is a renewed sense of self, it just happens to be starting on January 1.  If we're talking new year's resolutions...mine is simple.  Get out of the USA and move to Canada.  I will make every effort to get this done starting January 1.  THAT is my new year's resolution.  Fitness is my lifestyle, not a hobby or new fad.  It's the way I exist, the way I survive.  So calling it a new year's resolution would be redundant.

Stay tuned...I am gonna take my "before" picture in the next few days.  I will make every effort to post here at least every other day.  My goal is to post every day that I work out.  3 days on, 1 day off for CrossFit...and I'll be swim/bike/run training as well.  So for the most part, I'll be working out every day, unless a tri off day and a CF off day coincide...which will probably be rare.

Merry Christmas all.  Have a wonderful and safe holiday!