What to expect on January 1, 2008

On January 1, 2008 (TU080101), I will put up the first WOD. I wanted to make sure I was clear on how we'll be setting up our challenge and mentoring program.

First, I will post a workout of the day (WOD) as it is Rx'd on the CrossFit website. Under that, I'll post suggestions on how to scale it down. If BrandX has a scaled workout posted that day, I'll copy that as well. For the beginners, I'm gonna post a simplefit.org workout for the first two weeks. This will give you enough time to get used to the format of circuit training and the intensity with which you'll be working in the future. CrossFit's schedule is three days on, one day off. That's the schedule we'll be using as well.

January will be a base-building month. Not just physically, but mentally as well. There will be a lot of questions and I want you all to ask those questions. It will help to keep you knowledgeable. This stuff can get confusing sometimes, so questions are definitely welcome!

Also, for January, we're gonna do a little challenge. All my mentees will be able to participate, it is NOT an advanced challenge...so all beginners will be able to handle it, and it'll be a good motivator. It's called the "Lose the Love Handles Challenge". Here are the specs...there are only a few. Number one...good nutrition. You don't have to use a specific split of protein/carbs/fat just yet, but I want you to concentrate on clean eating and cutting your carbs and fat by at least 15% during January. Number two...twice a day for four days a week (you choose the times and the days), do the following workout. 20 low to high woodchoppers (you can google this exercise or just ask me how to do it) on each side, 20 side bends on each side, and 20 of any crunch that involves the obliques. If you want to do bicycles, do 20...if you do oblique crunches, it's 20 on each side. OK, that's it.

Now that I've blabbed enough, here's what a sample day will look like...


Full workout -
3 rounds, for time, of:
95lb thruster

Scaled -
Use 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4 bodyweight for thrusters, using dumbbells if needed
Use pulldowns at 1/2 bodyweight instead of pullups

Beginner -
5 rounds, for time, of:
2 pullups
10 pushups
6 squats


mskimmi said...

Love the format and the levels and the challenge! I'm looking forward to 1 Jan!

Tri-ing to get it all together said...

Nice site and even if I have another Mentor...can I come over here and check out your workouts??


Anonymous said...

I'm so psyched, will keep up as best I can throughout this week, but will turn it up 080101!! As mentioned on BT, looking to be as RX'd by March and down to 165lb with a few inches removed from the handles. Good luck everyone1

Anonymous said...

Quick Question, is is best to scale weight to maximize times or keep as RX'd while sacrificing time?

They call me "Q" said...

Best to keep the weight as Rx'd and go slower. You want to build strength and endurance at the same time. Going faster with less weight may help you complete the workout quicker, but won't build the strength.