3 rounds for time of:
Run 800m
50 back extensions
50 situps
This one is good for my hip flexors and will help with running. Plus I'm supposed to do 2 miles of running today, at a decent pace. So 1.5 miles as fast as possible will make up for the .5 mile shortage in distance.
MICHAEL, 3 Rounds of 800M, 50 Good Mornings (subbed for Back Extensions) and 50 Situps for time:
18'08" Total Time
Rnd1:3'38"; 0.573 Miles @6'20" Pace
Gm's/SU's @ 2'31" TOTAL TIME = 6'09"
Rnd2:3'41"; 0.573 Miles@ 6'25" Pace
GM's/SU's @ 2'24" TOTAL TIME = 6'05"
Rnd3:3'38"; 0.578 Miles @ 6'16" Pace
GM's/SU's @ 2'16" TOTAL TIME = 5'54"
Compared to last time:
Lap 1,0.558 Miles@3'45" 6'43" Pace
2:48 for GM's and SU's.
Total Time Round 1=6'33"
Lap 2,0.561 Miles@3'48 6'45" Pace
2:42 for GM's and SU's.
Total Time Round 2=6'30"
Lap 3,0.566Miles@3'43" 6'34" Pace
2:31 for GM"s and SU's
Total Time Round 3=6'24"
Total Time for Michael=19'17"
My running felt slow..I thought for sure no PR today..Jeff--what's up your dreams? Y'all have a good day!
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