Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Today, everyone is a Big Dawg! Do the WOD as RX'd. If you are unfamiliar with the movements watch the videos and then use a weight that will allow you to do the WOD.
Wasn't really feelin' the shoulder stuff today, so here's what I did...
Mistake number 1 was that I did too long a warmup. And it was too intense. It could've been a WOD. I took two CF Kids WODs, modded them a bit, and combined them into one big workout that looked like this...
50 squats
Then without rest, perform three rounds of:
10 pullup burpees
10 dips
10 knees to elbows
10 hang squat cleans, 35lb DBs
10 hang power snatches, 55lb BB
Then without rest after round 3, perform
50 situps.
This workout took me 13:03 and I was huffing and sweating. Probably used way too much energy.
Mistake number 2 was trying to do Eva as RX'd on the first try.
Round 1, as RX'd
Round 2, as RX'd
Round 3, run as RX'd but only got thru 10 DB swings, and 10 pullups before pukey nearly smacked me upside the head.
Rounds 4 and 5...nope. I had to stop because my stomach turned and I almost lost my lunch. Still, it took 22:23 to even get about halfway thru the workout.
UGH...Eva is one I'll have to work up to.
Warmup - Kids WOD 5rds 10burpees/10 precision jumps/10pullups in 11'33"
WOD Shoulder Press 70,100,120,130,140; Push Press 80,100,120,140,150;Push Jerk 80,100,120,140,130 30min
Nice job Wayne! Hope your feeling better. I Did EVA's Evil Twin EVETTE: 5 Rounds for time of: 800 M Run, 30 Pull-ups and 30 Push-ups. Did it in 34:10. Warmed up a mile and cooled down 1.2 miles walk and jog. This was killer, can't imagine what it was like with dumbell swings. Sorry I'm one day behind. I'll try to catch up.
skipped the shoulders today. after my swim i was feeling the burn already. i like your idea of doing crossfit kids wods when the regular isn't fitting into the schedule (which with the running and shoulders lately, it hasn't).
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