Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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For a warmup I did 12 pullups and 20 airsquats.
CrossFit WOD:
Weights: 225, 245, 255, 265, 275.
This is a new squat PR for me. Pretty happy with it. I had to work hard to stand up on round 5, but I don't think I was finished. Since I only had 5 sets of three, I stopped, but I'm pretty sure I could have gone at least 285. I'll see next time. Cooldown was another 20 airsquats. I also did 10 airsquats between sets to keep my legs loose.
Official Warmup - 9'56"
Squats 5sets 3 reps 195/225/245/255/255
I feel the need to list a caveat to my squat gym does not have squat/press racks, so all squats are done using the smith machine. Weights listed include 15lbs factored for the bar. I say this as I'm not certain that I'd be moving this volume if it were straight squats. But you must work with the equipment available.
last set was tough..Q nice work! 275 is some nice weight to move around.
Also completed 100 reps of core work.
ya'll are some serious squatters. I did all my sets at 95 lbs. i didn't want to go for max b/c i have my indoor tri on sunday and i don't want to be super sore for it.
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