Our First Comparison..


Today will be the first time we repeat a workout! This is the workout we did on January 1st! So with this workout you should be able to see how much you've progressed over this month. Good luck!!

"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep

Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Rules to remember:
1. You get three attempts at each lift
2. You cannot remove weight from the bar. Example if you put 295 on the bar and make a succesful back squat, that is one attempt. If you decide to go to 315 on the next attempt and you fail you cannot lower the weight and make your third attempt.

No scaling today. If you're unfamiliar with the lifts, watch the vids on crossfit.com. They are easy. You control the weight on this one, so there's no need to scale it.

Q's results:
Gonna do this tomorrow. I feel I may injure myself if I try to do it tonight being that I've been doing a lot of heavy lifts this week and ran a half marathon today. Need rest. Injury not acceptable. Will do this tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

CrossFit&Burgener Warmup 10'16"
CrossFit Total 745lbs

I'm up 60lbs since 1/1/08! 40lbs of the gain was in the deadlift.

It's been a great month, thanks Jeff (Q) for being a great motivator and "coach"! Hoping to continue this training through May and also hoping for similar strength gains in coming months! Good luck to everyone, looking forward to seeing others results!

mskimmi said...

Crossfit Total: 380

Total gain: 90 lbs

Did well in back squat (30 lbs) and deadlift (50 lbs). Shoulder press was a very slight increase, only 10 lbs.

It's awesome to see the improvement from the beginning of Jan! I'm looking forward to making more improvements in Feb. Thanks Jeff for all the mentoring and advice and encouragement!!!!!

jjcraig said...

Here was my first try at the CF Total
Squat = 185-lbs
Shoulder Press = 115-lbs
Deadlift = 205-lbs
CF Total = 505

FYI my Bodyweight (don't laugh) is 125-lbs.