OK CrossFitters...I think I'm slowly coming back from the depths of no-mojo hell. This is a great workout, I love doing this one.
4 rounds, for time, of:
Run 400m
Rest 2 min
No scaling on this one.
Q's results...
I love this workout!!
130, 131, 130, 124
Total time - 11:54
Overall pace - 5:54
Not my best by any means, but I think I'm fatigued. Plus, I've never done this workout with a 2 mile warmup, I've always just done the workout with no warmup or cooldown. Running 2 miles before doing this one made it harder. I'm pretty happy with the results.
I did a little brand X scaling b/c I did this one at 5AM since I can't workout after work at all tonight and I was trying to get out of there so I could get to work on time. Did full crossfit warm up then:
Did 3 rounds - total time 11'53"
1. 2'18
2. 2'44
3. 2'43
Have I mentioned before my running needs WORK!
Started with CrossFit warmup then completed 4 rounds in 1'43, 1'48, 1'52, 1'49
Daughter and did 4 rounds, here are our results:
HH 1:53, 1:58, 1:56 and 1:58 Total Time = 13:45
Dad 1:25, 1:33, 1:38, 1:40
Total Time = 12:16
Every muscle in my body tightened up on the last couple.
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