Big Dawgs:
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
OK kids, this one's an advanced move. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch the instructionals on this before attempting it if you've never done a snatch before. You WILL hurt yourself if you do it incorrectly. It's an AWESOME move though...a full body workout in one move!!
The scaling on this one is all or nothing:
Big Dawgs, Pack, and Puppies:
Everyone do this as Rx'd
If you are unfamiliar with the movement then you are a Buttercup today.
Here are a couple of vids to watch. After you have watched the vids grab a PVC pipe, broomstick or unweighted bar and practice the movement. Put the movement into your warm up for awhile so that next time you will be ready to do the WOD.
Q's results for today:
This workout RAAAWWWWKED!! I don't know why, but Olympic lifts make people stare. I guess it's because they're so BIG. They generate a lot of motion and noise. I had a little audience tonight. It was so cool.
I know I can do better but I think I started too light and fatigued too early. Still though, I didn't think I'd get 105.
Weights were:
45 (the bar), 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, then I tried to do 105 again. Couldn't. Tried again. Nope. So I went back to 85 and did the last rep easy. Still, what a great workout! I was sweating after rep 4.
Buttercup #1 checking in:
Everyone in my gym was staring at the strange guy doing some form of wacko lifting...what the heck!
I tried to work on form. 45-lbs x 10, 65-lbs x 10 x 4 and then I did 3 sets of 95-lbs x 6, 4, 4 of Snatch Balance.
I'm sure the form on the last 3 sets were not real good. I did work more on form the first 6 sets
Alright I confess I left the anonymous comment above...I'm not a buttercup, I'm still a puddle jumper.....JJCraig
CrossFit Warmup 9'33
burgener Warmup 5'00
80, 100, sets 4-7 110
My form is struggling, need to keep up with the Burgener Warmup, great breakdown of the 6phases of the snatch lift. I'm quite weak at the land and drop, very unstable. Looking forward to trying this one again!
I did the crossfit warm up then did the buttercup workout - practiced the movement in my apt w/ a bar while watching the videos. I think my knees aren't hitting the right place b/c after a few, they bothered me. Definitely need to get some real training on these olympic lifts before I knock something loose.
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