Full workout:
30 muscle-ups for time
I can't even do one muscle-up yet. So...I will be doing the scaled workout today. If you don't know what a muscle-up is, please watch the video on crossfit.com. Basically it's a pullup that turns into a dip. It's done on rings. I have done exactly one, and it took like 10 tries, so I'm just gonna do the scaled workout today!
Do 30 pullups and 30 dips. You don't have to do 30 without stopping, but do all 30 pullups before you do the 30 dips. You're still doing this for time.
Do 30 lat pulldowns with half your bodyweight and 30 pushups. For time.
Q's results
This was still a good workout, even though it was a substitution. Time - 4:19
Q, are you doing the crossfit warmup? How should a beginner scale the warmup? It seems pretty manageable except for the pullups/dips. Thoughts?
Also, woodchoppers...can you do them with a weight or medicine ball instead of cables? I did the rest of the challenge workout this AM, but since I wasn't at the gym, didn't do the woodchoppers.
I thought that the scaled workout was 120 reps pullups/120 reps dips...I completed in 14'56" after completing the CrossFit warmup.
reps were scaled as follows:
56reps assisted at 25lbs
10reps assisted at 40lbs
54reps assisted at 55lbs
I was smoked, tri's and back were pumped!
Finished up with LTLH challenge.
Can you say "WORKED"? I ended up doing the scaled workout on a pull up /dip machine because there's no way in hell I could do all that unassisted. I didn't want too much assistance, but even 90lbs of assisted weight meant that I spent 38 minutes on this workout. Sheesh!
Did the beginner level:
30 lat pulldowns @ 120 lbs
30 pushups (on knees)
total time: 4'25"
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